Mirror Image
Mirror Image – Facts and Solutions to Inherited Generational Trauma and Absorption (IGTA). By Joy Wisdom Ground-breaking factual exploration as to how we behave, why we live mental health issues, how...
Mirror Image
Mirror Image – Facts and Solutions to Inherited Generational Trauma and Absorption (IGTA). By Joy Wisdom Ground-breaking factual exploration as to how we behave, why we live mental health issues, how...
Avoid Christmas stress
We can become overwhelmed with the addition of fitting in Christmas planning and arrangements to an already full life. Going to bed late and/or up early to fit in the...
Avoid Christmas stress
We can become overwhelmed with the addition of fitting in Christmas planning and arrangements to an already full life. Going to bed late and/or up early to fit in the...
Ditch it Don’t Live it !
by Joy Wisdom Mindfulness is a popular concept in modern times Amazing to hear Breakfast news announcing Parliament holding a mindfulness gathering. Explained as meditation and breathing. How far from...
Ditch it Don’t Live it !
by Joy Wisdom Mindfulness is a popular concept in modern times Amazing to hear Breakfast news announcing Parliament holding a mindfulness gathering. Explained as meditation and breathing. How far from...
Dance in our own slippers
This blog is a snapshot of an article recently published in More to Life. Reproduced here with permission.
Dance in our own slippers
This blog is a snapshot of an article recently published in More to Life. Reproduced here with permission.
SECRETS of LIFE - Self Discovery with a Twist
SECRETS of LIFE – Self Discovery with a twist. Advanced Learning for Aquarian Age. 6-days of wonderment and new discovery. The Biggest SECRET is you - So Secret we don’t...
SECRETS of LIFE - Self Discovery with a Twist
SECRETS of LIFE – Self Discovery with a twist. Advanced Learning for Aquarian Age. 6-days of wonderment and new discovery. The Biggest SECRET is you - So Secret we don’t...
REBIRTH of the HeARt – Embrace LOVE Energy
Embrace LOVE energy to new heights with a UNIQUE NEW Programme - Allonus LiGHt Healing. Did you know we had x 3 Heart Chakras? In this programme we open all...
REBIRTH of the HeARt – Embrace LOVE Energy
Embrace LOVE energy to new heights with a UNIQUE NEW Programme - Allonus LiGHt Healing. Did you know we had x 3 Heart Chakras? In this programme we open all...