Inner Gold ‘Intuition & 6th Senses’
Intuition is more well-known in Eastern traditions used in Yoga inner awareness and Marshall arts. In the West, we are still on a path of full awakening to the knowledge of 6thsenses, as not tangible, nor understood by many. Often described as gut instinct, or body language. The effects of intuition can be felt physically, such as butterflies and/or dread in the gut.
But do we understand the full extent of what can be obtained? What it means and what ‘Inner Gold’ can be received from using inner awareness? Do we use daily with ad hock use? Or do we use it as a friend to assist daily living, helping us to avoid repetition and guiding as the most important internal Sat Nav and radar 24/7?
Intuition is: “The immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process” (Oxford English Dictionary)
Native traditions have known and used the ability of “seeing” and “Sense of Knowing” for eons using and being aware of their higher energy fields, internally in tune. This abstract awareness is more subjective and does not involve the normal level of mundane consciousness which is mostly concerned with self-identity and left brain thinking. When we talk about gut feeling, instinct, hunches, we are talking about our psychic intuition area developed through our right brain and feelings.
Intuition is a Right brain activity, giving us instinct that has no experiential element to it.
- Synchronicity occurs with intuition. Truth is immediately known by the moment it is presented. Intuition brings instant wisdom and insight
- We think with our head
- Feel with our heart
- Sense with our abdomen (Gut feeling)
- The Gut: The abdominal area, where we receive our gut instinct and feelings.
- The Brain: (Limbic and Neocortex right brain activity) becomes the main frame that the gut works in conjunction with, to activate intuition.