What makes DILH so different to Reiki?
I was blessed and honoured when Quan Yin showed me the energy of Diamond Inguz LiGHt Healing in 2008. She also gave me the energy of Opalescence the intermediate stage of development in 2007. When I received the essence of Opalescence I was bowled over and Quan Yin told me it ‘would be the highest healing on the planet’.
I replied that I could not use Opalescence. If I taught this I would blow the circuits of Lightworkers who this healing was created for. Quan Yin told me it was to get our people back to their real base living.
To awaken those who had slept through many generations of living from negativity and cruelty the Piscean age brought us. Lightworkers Indigos, Starseeds, crystals and cosmic children would have the routing systems for this powerful subtle energy. Very different from other healing modalities we had seen previously.
Apart from the phenomenal healing energy. A package of Healing energy a different concept; Diamond Inguz LiGHt Healing and Opalescence is the first stage of a support mechanism and switch on for those who step forward. Designed to awaken the crystalline base line for living and upshifting to higher states as the Allonus LiGHt Healing programme grew as consciousness shifted. Activates other spiritual power systems such as the Mer-Ki-Va upshifts our living through Solar Chakra GPS. All has grown beyond my imagination or vision that was originally shown. I had asked for support around emotional issues and negativity and the transmuting system blended within the energy is jettisoning negativity 24-7 keeping us safe and out of emotions from the bombardment around us.
The human Angelic / celestial support has been phenomenal and people change beyond dreams. The healing techniques are stupendous and one person recently said it was like receiving a prayer into the physical. And that is only the first stage. We go on to the Lotus Path and Atlantean Template. As fast and as far as individuals feel drawn to go… to the ultimate Ascension programme aligning with the SOUL.
All sounds too good to be true – believe me it is not… you can live heaven on earth, live from the wonders of the Heart. Quan Yin leads us through the open door of the Sacred and Cosmic Heart. But we need to clear the backlog that veils or blocks individuals. Then we can engage in the internal GPS and Soul direction - let life flow in grace and ease.
Still the program grows and this year I will be running the OMNI Heart connection that is driven with Galactic Consciousness… There is nothing like the LiGHt Healing programme being taught anywhere.
The companion to the LiGHt Healing training is SECRETS of Life where Joy teach the rules of life: Including the realities of Karma, Quantum Psychics and Past life influences.
Joy met Yvonne in 2010 a very different person then to what she is now. Now she has become a Diamond Inguz Teacher and a Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E.) Practitioner. Yvonne’s background was Reiki and as other Reiki masters report all the time… they have not felt anything like DILH before and that is just the start. Yvonne saw the benefits and opened her arms and flew.
Practitioner training, workshops and courses all year round.
- See Joy’s next Diamond Inguz Light Healing workshop dates on our website - http://www.allonus.co.uk/index.php/component/mijoshop/category/56-diamond-inguz
- Cleared deep levels of the earth chakras – the 7 main chakras.
- Clearing deep levels of the past - internally carried - in order that I could receive the optimum connections later on that first day.
- The SACRED HEART opened – this is the second heart chakra - creating a whole vista of heart centered love, understanding and peace working from a dual heart. Able to give and receive more love from that dual heart function. Perceptions of life completely changed afterwards - as if the veils of illusion had dissolved for the first time.
- The solar chakras (chakras 8-14) opened, connected AND their qualities brought back and anchored within my dual heart – direct access to my gifts, abilities and higher level of consciousness.
- Merkaba activated giving the energetic body more support for future development.
- A Dual supply of pure, untainted energy into the dual heart – from above through the solar chakras and from below via Gaia, through the Earth chakra beneath the feet.
- Diamond Inguz energy encircles the lower 3 chakras – providing protection from negativity and bombardment as well as helping us stay out of negative and destructive emotions.
- Diamond Inguz LiGHt Healing has high levels of transmuting properties – it does this automatically.