We can do better than clapping

I AM sending the Clarion Call to all Healers and Light-workers to UNITE and support our medical angels and frontline workers who are keeping services going, volunteers and compassionate folk who grace our world. In Europe and UK it has become the custom to show our gratitude to Hospital/frontline staff  by clapping at 8 o’clock on a Thursday night as a grand gesture of appreciation.
We can do better than clapping on a Thursday night…. As Healers, Empathas and Light-workers we can be more pragmatic by sending Healing to support at these critical times to all frontline staff. Send it to all the frontline workers, medics, Health services, Ambulance, Police, Social services, delivery and post workers.  Staff working to keep the food chain going to our shops and supermarkets. Our government, carers, volunteers and teachers etc.
Send healing and love to all those who are recovering from Covid 19, their families and those who have lost dear friends, loved ones and family members to this pandemic. We know healing works on every level of life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And we can make a collective difference to humanity in these strained times.
* Healing is known to de-stress
* Brings calmness 
* Relaxing
* Improve sleep
* Reducing adrenal overload
* Plus, much more….
Networking and timing makes the difference. Joining together as a Collective. Giving strength, feeling gratitude, support, improving inner strength and fortitude to carry on, where weariness and fatigue is seeping in.  Stealth of Covid 19 is unrelenting and sobering for those who are taking care of our sick and dying.
All healing modalities hold qualities to assist and help humanity. Please share this message with other Healers, Federations/ associations, Reiki groups and healing teachers and leaders: 
Individually and groups are already sending healing in their own way to assist these unpredictable times.  As I have organised with my students, let’s speed up and grow to vast collective strength, bring stability and reduce fear as a Collective to help the world and humanity on a daily basis. This is a time of unity and strength. Collectively share our abilities with the world. Showing our gratitude in a more pragmatic way by lifting each one in spirit and strength. Strength of Heart, mind and emotion to carry on in the face of adversity in 2020.
We are hitting critical times of recovery, join us daily sending to your frontline workers, Include science/ project workers, leaders, governments and those who are recovering, grieving from losing loved ones.
1. In your country (UK or otherwise) at 12’oclock midday = first slot for 15-20 min  
2. Send Globally (Midnight 12pm ) second time slot.
For those who want to join in without any formal Healing training, join in sending gratitude and love from your heart to all who need it. Healing knows where to go like a rocket to embrace all those who are under-par and struggling.
1. Join to send to your country or area every day at (midday) 12 o’clock. 
2. If you can join in 12 o’clock (midnight): or set your intention to send to the world
Our collective union and focus as Healers sending from our hearts to theirs will help to reduce stress in their world. Collective focus brings powerful change in these unprecedented times where we need all the help we can get to transcend and come out on the other side in the coming months. 
Joy Wisdom 
Founder Allonus LiGht Healing advanced training and Power of 3
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