Universal Living, Live The Golden Dream
SECRETS of Life and Universal Living
Spiritual Metaphysics - ARE you Spiritually Streetwise?
Turn the tide on the unknown – education is the key.
We have come a long way since Metaphysics was introduced
Aliteral meaning of "beyond the physical." The term was invented by the 1st-century BCE head of Aristotle's Peripatetic school, Andronicus of Rhodes.
Aristotle calls it "first philosophy" (or "Wisdom") and suggests "first cause and the principles of things". An example of metaphysics is a study of God versus the Big Bang theory.
I suggest we seem to have missed the point regarding spiritual metaphysics, we have become caught up in proving, finding the outcome, i.e. left brain, science, proving etc. misinterpreting the key which is all about us, and how we work from inside out! Instead getting caught up in more head and brain than heart and love. Essentially, we have lost our way over centuries of proving and left-brain dominance.
Did you knowwe have x 3 HeARt Chakras? that without the 4thHeARt Chakra opened and functioning we cannot reach Solar living, Christ consciousness, Collective and UNITY consciousness?
Did you know there are 7-levels of learning of LOVE? The closure of the HeARt chakra is one of the reasons we become depressed, anxious and stressed!
Being a Sensitive or Empath we pick up on other people’s energies and the negativities in our environment. Reasons for feeling overwhelmed and can’t cope with life! Did you know – declining energetics causes illness and disorders in the physical?
In training and workshops, I come across many people that are well read in the ways of spirituality, but little practice or living understanding. Reading just gives us knowledge. Unfortunately, no experience of that knowledge. Expertise comes from living it. Virtual and reading, does not give us the experience, internal knowing, spirit led or feeling of how spirit feels!
Knowledge does not give answers as to how and why we are overwhelmed with life! Unaware living generated from little feeling and heart closure equals numbness.
In my workshops I ask individuals to take a look at the internal self… energetically. Who and what they think they are from the mind, and what they find with internal reality are different perceptions. The mind is ego and lives the illusion whereas the heart and energetics tell the true story. The mind gives the wrong impression and illusion of greatness.
To live and gain spirituality we need to feel, see and understand our true internal reality. Understand, if we are churning out negativity, living in anger and frustration, on the treadmill of survival, we will be causing internal damage to ourselves. Idolised terms of change, from ‘Lead into Gold’ – ‘Empty the vessel’ – ‘Live in the moment’ have been bandied about for years, but do we understand what it means?
What do we feel it with? Are we enhancing or destroying internally?
- Do we know why?
- Why are we doing that?
- Whose choices are we living?
- Are we being driven by old life styles, historical IGTA transference and conditioning, or are we stuck in a rut and can’t get out?