Twin flame healing network
Twin Flame is the other half of the same soul.
The Soul mate is something quite different yet can become confusing in explanation in some quarters. Tend to get mixed and matched in the telling.
The goal of creating Twin Flame separation from soul. The plan and idea was inspiring for Soul. Soul would accelerate in knowledge, gain mastery with twin experiences and growth. For the Soul the idea of a split, two parts twin flame, one part Soul. The trinity was divided to learn faster and advance for a short period of time.
Twin Flame became split in duality (3rd dimension) and very rarely in physicality at the same time. To meet on the physical plane is overwhelming and distressing. There have been moments of reunion for some and outcomes have been untenable.
During the long divide, experiences have been felt and impacted the Soul to greater degrees. The experiences have been harrowing and each half can effect each other. i.e. as with identical twins twin flames can be feeling the, emotions of the other half. Positive and negative, the negative leaving the scars on the other half etc.
In 2013 I offered an opportunity for other groups and individuals to re-join and bond with the other half of their Twin Flame, after an extraordinary experience of meeting my Twin flame etherically. I cried for a month, it made me feel very unsettled. I longed for our reunion. The love felt was exquisite. I wanted to help others to experience and receive their beautiful reunion. The most perfect bliss. A coming home of ages. In the past it has been achieved from solitude and reverence. A time of retreat and lifetimes of mastery through sacrifice and aloneness. A long path of learning and wisdom.
I continue to offer this service in Intermediate level Power of 3. Opalescence LiGHt Healing a 3-day workshop. An Etheric (nonphysical) aspect and moulding of our sacred fullness into physicality actioning crystalline reunion, the coming together experience is profound and amazing, and we keep that connection anchored within our Cosmic HeART, (3rdHeART Chakra) making us feel whole once again.
We live in extraordinary times, where Soul groups are driving change and we need to return to the Soul, to live our Soul agenda urgently. I offer various pathways to do so. Education, specialist training and mentoring with solutions to Soul impacts. 1-2-1 sessions and advanced spiritual workshop training with clearing advancements. Plus Practitioners specialist training.
Soul & Soul Psychology is a 2-day workshop to understand our Soul’s agenda and Karma.
A VIP progression back to the Soul, with various opportunities and choices.
My Book Shell of Soul gives further information.
See website for further information. You Tube videos and all media outlets
Joy Wisdom Training