SECRETS of LIFE - Self Discovery with a Twist
SECRETS of LIFE – Self Discovery with a twist. Advanced Learning for Aquarian Age.
6-days of wonderment and new discovery. The Biggest SECRET is you - So Secret we don’t know what we are doing in LIFE!
Stuck in the status quo of culture and family? What did your parents and lineage pass on to you? Inherited Generational Trauma and Absorption (IGTA).
One of the Biggest Injustices in the 21st Centuary! Restrictions exist in all of us, positive and negative, but do we understand the hidden implications and limitations we live and receive on a daily basis?. One of the reasons we still live poverty and suffering. Other factors includes: PTS, Panic attacks, Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Failure, Abuse, OCD, ME, Nervous Breakdown. Historical war and social injustices impacting upon us although not lived in our life time. Passed down creating limitation to receive abundance and move on. Find out what legacies are passed down to you and your family, not yours to live. Interfering on all levels, psychological, physical, emotional, creative and spiritual path.
How hidden and ancestral factors rule our lives. How is this affecting you in your daily decisions and emotions? The list is long, restrictions of IGTA go far and wide including poverty, and why we cannot receive the abundance we deserve.
Find out answers to you, your body, psychological influences and emotions. How we integrate others emotions and trauma passed on through generations and foetal origins (womb). Understand your inheritance, what did your Grand and great grand parents unwittingly leave you? Packages you did not want and don’t understand? Are you living poverty or fear due to family? Clear the decks from unwanted weaves for a new future and destiny. The only course that gives answers, eliminates your past, present limitation and capping.
In SECRETS we can remove huge swaths of learning time schedules locked into, allowing you to live your life now. SECRETS helps us to upshift to rebirth of the Heart, Mind, Body and Soul opening to Advanced levels of Living, Learning and Spiritual development. A combined workshop to deliver the New You.. With 6th Sense and Intuition etc., improved to advance Clair essence levels. Receive direct cognition to Soul Guidence. Did you know that there were 7 levels to open internally to receive? Unknown to us enchantments are dormant and triggered from energetics and physical. We need to connect to the internal self and upshift the opportunities of enhanced living.
In SECRETS we cut the chains that bind you. Emotional clearing daily. Learn how to correct, avoid and prevent. Other hidden factors we don’t recognise consciously…. Promises, vows oaths, Karma holds us back and limits, creating obstacles we don’t want. However, recognised or not, they remain restrictions and unwanted capping.
Improve well-being and health. Daily emotional clearings are phenomenal and students feel lighter, clearer and able to take control of their own lives, having emptied their accumulation of baggage. 6-days of adjustment, internal space and wonder. Enhance all aspects of you, bringing Soul, Spirit and Destiny together.
We are in an age of change and we need to upshift ourselves to the enhanced levels we need for the Aquarian Age. Don’t waist time. Get your life back and jettison past restrictions
Induction - Secrets of Life (YouTube intro)
- See web site for dates and D.A.R.E Therapy training options.