Sat Nav for Empaths by Joy Wisdom

Read digital version of this article in More to Life magazine on page 35

Today we are more aware of empathic sensitivity, society is becoming more aware of it, and the problems it can bring about, especially in sensitive children.

These sensitivities are not new, they have been around for decades, but as our consciousness grows, we are recognising and appreciating sensitivity as a disorder in medical terms. Empathic connections are normal. In fact, those who choose not to use the empathic abilities are often troubled, distressed and disappointed in life. Sometimes, people simply aren’t aware of them.

Historically, these sensitivities were associated with mediums and seers as they developed their clairvoyant abilities. However, Empathic sensitivity is a whole-body issue, our sensory perception is interpreted through energetic, auric fields and interfaced in extraordinary ways.

Life without our empathic recognition system can be scary and cause anxiety, becoming extreme in some situations and rendering one incapable of functioning. Unfortunately, many empaths hide away, avoid interactions, are cautious and keen to keep away from others to avoid the chaos it causes within them especially in busy, overcrowded places, trains, planes etc. In these situations, an empath’s energetic radar may become scrambled – they feel vulnerable in low energy conditions without always realising the reason why.

The highly sensitive empath’s 24/7 ‘radar’ will automatically alert to danger, often before the event happens. The misalignment of energetics can cause all sorts of disabilities, especially, mental and emotional outcomes, causing fear, overwhelm and great distress.

a sensitive child will be aware of negativity nearby, from another individual or child.
Living with sensitivity ‘due to no empathic or energetic systems support’, we can live in chaos, with no barometer or understanding, nothing to compare with.
There are simple and effective ways of learning to understand and manage our empathy. Life can be calmer and happier in a very short space of time. Despite being such a fundamental part of us, little is taught about our empathic and energetic systems.

Our integrated ‘empathic body-energy frequency’ supports energetics and vice versa; Our chakras interface with our 6th sense attributes, rippling throughout chakra and auric levels.

Empaths have different outlooks than others, their skills are developed at unique levels and there are ladders and stages of connection to achieve. Not many people ‘tap into’ their natural gift of empathy.

We are only as good as our connections, our ability to interface with internal 6th sense and energetic states. I often find students ‘out of sync’, disconnected and off- line in various ways, living in disjointed, chaotic states.

The sensitive ‘indigo’ generation brought high sensitivities to the forefront.
Previous generations struggled with enhanced sensory perception and somatosensory living. Although a natural gift, for our benefit, the harshness of their lives brought excessive empathic ‘jangling’. It was tough for them living with raw sensory perceptions.

Consciousness was very different after World War II. In the late 1940s, early 50s, the first-generation indigo elders (Indigos) came in with highly sensitive empathic skills, a natural ability to intuitively see, hear and understanding of intuition, (clairsentience), clairvoyance and clairaudience. They came in with abilities to buffer, negate low energies, negativity, disregard the ignorance of people of that time.

Smaller numbers of ‘Crystals’ arrives with delicate, sophisticate frequencies – they were more highly sensitive.

Crystals delicate sophisticated frequencies, more highly sensitive and finely tuned to the effects of negativity. Crystal ‘buffers’ were not as robust, less effective and many Crystals found life a challenge, throughout their life.

Vast numbers of Crystals found life too difficult and ‘closed down’. These may have been your grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.
The first waves of Crystals and Indigos came in to prepare the way for the more advanced Indigos of the late 1960s – early 70’s. Elders, paving the way for sensitive children and grandchildren to live higher consciousness and advanced transition within society.

Indigo’s agendas were very challenging, but they came in with staying power, to hallenge everything, to educate and deliver a different approach to life. After 70-80 years of ‘pushing the elephant up the stairs’ they continue to awaken society to evolution and ‘new era’ ways.

Highly sensitive people (HSP’s) have been struggling for decades with the lack of response for change and evolution, feeling frustration and disbelief at society not being able to see the empathic bigger picture.

Chaos’ rules as a barrier from ignorance to energetic/empathic skills and support systems mismatch and dysfunction. Indigos, Crystal, Cosmic, delicate empathic systems are taking the brunt of rejection, feeling misunderstood and unheard.

They are waiting for the ‘BIG’ Empathic system switch on within society. HSP is here to stay, we need to acknowledge our gifts and tap into the wonders of Empathic and Magic of Energetics can bring. Peace and happiness are yours when you choose them.

Enhance your life with Empathic, Energetic ultimate makeover.

Find out more about ‘Allonus ZEST of life’ programmes offering insights into health and energetic dysfunctions.

Programmes include:
• Liberation From Mind Control,
• OCD and Perfectionism (10-week 2hr evenings sessions and 2-day workshop training).
• Magic of Energetics – (evening sessions plus 2 day workshop
• 1-2-1 D.A.R.E. therapy
• Energy Alignment
• Power of 3 Empathic support programme

Improve your empathic and energetic connections. Align and awaken your 6th sense attributes to higher frequencies. Learn energetic skills and methods to help yourself to avoid and prevent empathic burn out.
Life is good, learn to enjoy it.

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