Part 2 Sensory perception & anxiety by Joy Wisdom
Do you live with or without your Navigation Empathic APP?
The term ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ has been bandied about for three decades, coined by a psychologist Dr. Elaine N. Aron in 1990s, realising sensitive clients were being regularly categorised as anxious, shy or introverted, stereotyped as neurotic without a bigger picture of understanding domino effects and biological process involved.
Today, we recognise sensitivity, and more people are living (HSP) sensitivity than ever before, especially children. Logically the HSP will have over reactive biological reactions, and chemical, hormonal stimulation. Brain differences, over analysis of detail, processing information in minute detail. The over stimulation of HSPs are reactive, cause and effect from experiences are subconsciously and energetically driven. Science is picking up on HSPs brains capacity to handle variations in structure and function. Neurotransmitter variations in how Dopamine allows behaviour to be more responsive to their environment. Psychologists are concluding it is an evolutionary adaption, endured despite some of the disadvantages.
According to a 2005 study into the evolutionary origins of stress reactivity, 20% of the population are highly sensitive to environmental stimuli, both men and women equally affected. DevPsychopathol,2005;17(2):271-301
Dr. Aron sign posts Carl Jung 1913, and his theory of rewards and risks of excessive sensitiveness, and reframed HSP to SPS ‘sensory processing sensitivity’. Canadian sensitivity scientist Dr. Arron’s defining aspects of high sensitivity includes:
- Depth of information processing
- Overstimulation
- Emotional reactivity and empathy
- Sensitivity to environmental scenarios
- More sensory data to process than other members of the population.
Within society, stigma exists for those who are living with sensitivity, seen as being weak. Various health professionals are new to the above concepts and sceptical to the ‘result of’ and outcome of empathic interactions. While others are starting to realise empathic stimuli is a gift.
Misunderstanding exists re sensitivity, on all fronts within society .
Logically if we are born to those who were already sensitive, new generations may be living with a double and triple whammy outcome, becoming the norm for further generations. Additionally, with several decades of sensitive groups attuned to even higher resonance to ‘Empathic’ systems and skills, sensitivity to low energy and negativity is a greater risk.
With highly attuned Empathic systems, the processing of sensory data can be overwhelming, including a bombardment of vison, sounds, smells, textures and tastes of their environment and felt globally in some cases. Intensity is common. Why HSP/SPS can’t cope with life in general.
Sensitives, Emphatic’s, often retreat (can only deal with so much). Need their own space, to regroup and recuperate their energy. Quiet time, coping strategies are formed to protect self. The accentuation of super sensory reactions are often associated with Autistics or Asperger’s. Essentially, it may just come down to Empathic, energetic, auric systems overloaded or out of sync.
Gentle applications can be received to realign and help individual live a more balanced Empathic living approach. Because Empathic and sensory outcomes are aligned to energetics.
Life can become a scary and lonely place with little support or understanding of their unique state. Lack of empathic and sensory awareness is part of the issue. ‘solo’ living. Becoming out of sync with life. Why many switch off to life, preferring the numbness and turn to drugs and drink, self-harm as they cannot stand the internal chaos felt.
Various groups of Emphatic’s are so highly attuned, they can feel others emotional state, environmental distress, and globally feel impacts. They may not understand what they feel, however it does not stop the external 24/7 radar from accumulating.
Empaths can feel as if they are connected to each other, everything, everywhere due to their empathic radar and frequencies of crystalline ‘LiGHt’ they work with. Becoming confused when their world is surrounded by non-empaths or those who choose to suppress, not to use their inner gold gifts. Logically, blowout and burnout can be involved. As empaths feel and pick up on other people’s mood, emotions deeply, splattered energetically affecting their systems, knocking the empathic self, off kilter. Sensitives easily absorb energetically and can store other moods and emotions affecting ‘sensitive selves’ more deeply.
Our unique Empathic connections are normal, not abnormal. We all have Empathic, sensory and energetic systems, it just depends how aligned our out of sync they are? What science is recognising is we are more than the physical and must consider the whole-body’s systems to correct the cause and effect lived.
The use of empathic attributes comes from within a switch on when we have alignments, interface from physical and energetics to live higher frequencies and empathic consciousness. Combination of systems and factors generated from complex body-energetic interfaces, internal programmes of ‘inner gold’. Often lain dormant, a combination of triggers/defaults actioned by inner and outer energy systems, facilitating empathic skills and 6th sense union through our energetics and aura.
If we are suppressing and avoiding, numb and switched off to our empathic skills, it doesn’t mean empathic attributes are not working. Cause and effect will be felt. With and without awareness.
From my point of view mostly without awareness, which makes it scarier to live. Out of control and mismatched living is distressing and unpredictable. No rudder in life and vulnerable without direction from 6th sense, empathic skills. Chaos rules and interactions make them vulnerable.
Mind often ignores, rejects as empath systems as unfathomable, not required yet empathic, energetic systems exist and are extremely important to regain, and go a long way to improve our mental and physical wellbeing state, regulating, removing overwhelm/underwhelm chaotic living.
We need our ‘Navigational App switch on’.
Most people are unaware how important Empathic systems are. A huge support system, improving, increasing health, wellbeing and life span.
We can be living with empathic abilities (the real reason for sensitivity) without knowing or recognising self as a ‘Sensitive’. Empathic skills are held within everyone. A ‘normal response’ for the individual. However not managed, recognised or understood very well.
Empathic, energetic knowledge is essential to learn especially when a health professional. We are more than the physical. An integrated unit, to be seen and intuitively recognised as a sensitive unit. Natural abilities come from Empathic function, integrated system living. It is logical to use all of us instead of cherry picking and ignoring the rest!
Using our 6th senses, brings brain storming, cutting edge ideas, intuitive inspiration, innovative thinking. Bringing revolutionary change for individual and society.
The incoming information from our senses, energetics and physical, brain response is interfaced on all levels. We may think our brain is separate to our body, yet the 24/7 radar of auric fields feeds our systems via the spine, a transmitter and receiver of information, automated without our conscious input. When we are engaged, aligned with energetics, empathic systems, ideas and perception is different, enhanced awareness exists, clarity of mind, problem solving is enhanced. Making connections across events, deep insights, beyond the mind’s eye, as 3rd eye is alerted to engage with heightened frequencies used. Mind and energetics infused to give greater clarity of mind.
MRI Studies show HSP parts of the brain highlighted associated with empathy, not observed previously. Holding enhanced reward system, activation in key dopamine areas, when looking at images of loved ones or beautiful landscape. One study showed more active reward system from positive childhood experiences, less generated with those who experienced negative childhoods.
For two decades I have been advocating negative absorption is prevalent daily with all types of empaths. Where we pick up and absorb or sponge up others emotions, low energy and negativity. The outcome, cause and effect is intolerable for some as we become worn down by our close encounters and environment.
Empaths, pick up emotional on pain. Some groups of Empaths try and take pain away from their parents, grandparents, environment and other children, an automatic action and reaction, that can have its own physical and emotional contraindicators for the individual.
Taking on all the attributes of illness, pain etc. For instance if we live with someone with depression or negativity, we will absorb the denseness of the depression being generated by the depressed person. It can feel like a cloak of low energy, gaining ground upon us. As it absorbs all in its wake.
As professionals, we can be interacting in this way, on a daily basis, and become overwhelmed due to the absorption rate generated. Exhaustion, burnout is often the result.
I have met those who have taken on the worlds suffering, weary, over wrought, can’t function, with no idea of what they are doing or why. Losing great swaths of their own living and learning, stuck in a deep groove of absorption!
We tend to group sensitivities into boxes when they are all singing and dancing. For instance clairsentience would be seen as having the ability to tune into another and sense their distress, pain etc. Without taking it on board. That is the key of the learning.
Key is - can sense but don’t have to take on board and disrupt ourselves. Something I have taught for over two decades. However that said, it is more than the thinking it is the empathic, energetic adjustment, realignment to stop the absorption. To recognise, feel and leave well alone. Healing abilities can be used to help the individual.
However the bigger picture is to heal and keep safe ourselves in the melee of empathic contraindicators. In the past Healers became overloaded by their interactions and taking all through them! Logically it is not a great thing to do as harming self in the process… I still come across this thinking ! We have moved on a lot since then.
Historically, empathic living was labelled with spiritual living rejected by church, religion, influencing society to think it was a bad thing!
Empathic skills and understanding energetics, 6th sense etc is still unrecognised. Believed to be a new age, label of ‘Wo-Wo’ rejection. Unseen as a natural ability. Misunderstood through the ages, centuary olde thinking exists. Empaths have been feared as witches, lived persecution from reformation times, burnt at the stake and drowned for their enhanced and different abilities. What we have missed and continue to be blind to is that perhaps religious dogma, hidden agenda to keep people in fear… control of the masses.
As empath’s we may carry the scars of punishment and persecution. Live underlying or irrational fear memories plaguing subconsciously, unaware of avoiding using our natural abilities from olde.
Subconscious fears do exist and why many avoid anything to do with energetics and feel blocked in their approach. Harsh experiences remain. I come across people who still live underlying and irrational FEAR. Fearful of their natural empathic abilities. Personal ‘suppressing’ no understanding then or now of empathic skill enhancements that could be received. Seen as different, don’t put your head above the parapet as dangerous, instead of engaging and empowering of self.
‘Fear to use or be associated with empathic skills for fear of punishment’! Found in workshops, 1-2-1 and mentoring training programmes. The memories remain, deeply buried and limiting self then and now. We live less of our authentic self, miss out in life, when deny our natural gifts to support us, creating barriers, slowing down acceleration and abundance in life. The damage lives on from the harshness lived from misunderstanding and Empathic gifts.
We have a lot to learn about our connections and empathic skills, how it can regenerate life, saves time, guides with direct routes in life, we are much happier living empathic skills, we become unified and more complete.
Many health professionals do not recognise energy nor understand how energy affects body-mind process etc. We forget we are an integrated unit and interfaces exist in processes, systems as well as physical, depending on how well energetic functions exist will affect us in body-mind-emotion and vice versa. Whether we believe it or not, energy is a part of our personal mind-body unit; energy and 6th sense interface when used as part of our life, saves us time, helps to support body-mind and gives bigger picture perspective. For example, we can live brain storming attributes 24/7! New ideas come from 6th sense and higher frequency living through empathic states.
Our integrated Empathic body-energy frequency supports chakras, Chakras interface with 6th sense attributes through chakras and aura. A unit of action and reaction giving us abilities to reconnect to empathic skills. Empaths have different outlooks and sensitivities developed within themselves. Empathic skills are developed at unique levels for the person and there are ladders and stages of connections to achieve. Although we all have the abilities to use and develop 6th senses most of society does not believe or tap in to use their inner gold of empathic states.
It is amazing how fast and abundant life can be with alignment and reconnection. As various options offered below. I am amazed at the disjointed living we take for granted, apathetic to our plight. Hopeless and helpless with no map of direction, living without our empathic connections.
Fact is we are only as good as our connections, our ability to interface with internal 6th sense and energetic states. I often find students out of sync, disconnected and off line in various ways suffering from empathic and 6th sense interactions. Causing disjointed living with the out of sync state. Often involved with anxiety, depression and SPS overload/over whelm living.
We cannot separate body from energetics and the impacts we feel when out of sync. It is compared to driving a car with only three wheels and no steering wheel!
When we recognise the sensitivities of others and the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), impacts lived it is astonishing how sensitivities are affecting a high proportion of our society. Explains a lot about our workplace and why people cannot cope.
It is the interaction and frequencies that spark the discord, overwhelm within, the jangled nerves and unacceptable outcomes. There are a cocktail of aspects involved for the highly sensitive person. Environmental concerns remain a factor, for instance would you prefer to go in a taxi or tube, as a highly sensitive person, tube OK at off peak times, however busy times avoid!
Most of us want answers to know why we are highly sensitive. We want to understand!
Psychotherapy practices are identifying at least 50% of their patients are suffering with excessive sensitivity. This may have been the core of issues previously, and maybe it is just specialists who are gaining more understanding about us and how we tick? The more we learn and understand their plight, the better we can help to heal their deep trauma and life scars.
Empathic out of sync systems affects both genders just the same.
Males are seen to be suffering high sensitivity and see it as shameful as they do not fit into the model of masculinity, as seen in mainstream culture. Psychological impacts are felt, due to how they felt and how they should be seen. Frustration and anger can be part of the mix with out of sync empathic, energetic systems.
Stigma remains on mental health outcomes, especially for males. Terminology is sensitive too! Preferred psychological terms would be highly sensitive nervous system, reactive brain, over stimulated brain, etc. Find offence or don’t resonate with the terms of delicate constitution or as golden children! Keeping the rhetoric to less mysterious etheric terms… the stigma and sensitivity, remains with underlying fear around even the language that is used here!
There is no doubt there is more pressure in life and as a child life can be a scary place, especially when sensitive. School demands of children can be traumatic, for the highly sensitive child.
Adverse trauma is involved. Introversion and extroversion can be found. And they often struggle with intensity of negative emotions. Often feels captive in environmental stimuli.
Once recognised overstimulation triggers, parents and individuals can create a structure of balance. Of course from a Joy Wisdom perspective, it is better to eliminate the cause and effect and avoid outcomes. As in Joy’s long history of working with HSPs overstimulation is the ‘result of’ not the cause.
HSP respond to natural and holistic therapies
HSPs, Emphatic’s etc, can get locked into the tendency of over diagnosing on mental health disorders in countries where pharma industry has a strong foothold.
Joy Wisdom training of Holistic and D.A.R.E integrated specialist mental health methods are effective for ongoing issues for Empaths. Confused, life is a challenge when living this way and there are ways to correct the whole body-mind-emotion-energetic interface and internal cause and effect systems that reduces over stimulation of information and slows down radar action.
Joy also advocates it is essential that Empaths (HSP/SPS) learn simple steps to identify their empathic imbalances, regulate daily and manage self. Empathic (HSP/SPS) SELF Care programmes are available.
Living highly sensitive frequencies and alert 24/7 is wearing. Fatigue is involved as we become exhausted being on high alert. Emotionally, mentally and physically we can live burn out.
- Being more sensitive and over aroused by environmental stimuli. Energetic radar on high alert and may be stuck in a rut on that setting. Over processing information on many levels can be exhausting and overload follows.
- Empaths/HSP can pick up on nonverbal cues, tune into mood of another in an instant. Intuitively knowing something is not right.
- They can walk into a room and pick up on the negatives or low mood. Picking up subtle tones of sound, vision, having physical sensations to go with the intuitive insights. They read situations, read the room!
- They have a deep intuition, an inner knowing and can detect danger and opportunity faster.
- Empaths (HSP) are known to have a rich inner life of intuition and creativity.
HSP can swing between extremes of boredom to isolation, overwhelm to burnout and apathy.
The Body-Mind-Emotion- Energetic is out of sync and needs resetting for slow down and more normal reception of senses.
Reactive emotionally.
Empaths are on the edge emotionally, high (or out of control) sensitivities over reactive and on high alert. Individuals chakra system is logically affected, Solar and Sacral plexus is on a continuous blowout.
- Feel out of kilter, unstable and vulnerable. And we wonder why they feel anxious and depressed.
- Confused, life is a challenge when living this way and there are ways to correct.
- Education is essential to understand what is happening to us and why.
Education is required with simplified steps to learn to identify, manage self. Energetics 6th sense and empathic systems are still misunderstood, and little is known of the full spectrum of empathic gifts and living.
We have a lot to learn about how we tick. What we have to use, how we are underachieving due to mismanagement and lack of knowledge about ourselves.
The psychiatric approach is over complicated with looking at the ‘result of’ instead of dealing with the core of the issue, ‘Empathic and energetic systems’. When we work directly with Empathic and energetic systems, it will automatically slow down the cause and effect. Whole body responds.
People tell me being an Empath is a curse not a gift!
In some ways we are our own worst enemy. And perpetuate the downward spiral with emotional fall out.
- Obviously the over stimulation reacts with further damage and confusion. Ground-Hog -day is lived again. I have identified this in so many highly charged individuals, out of sync, out of control and life is scary!
- When down to lack of education and management awareness that is the key here.
- Because living without Empathic skills is a long and arduous journey.
Fact is…You live the dream when you have Empathic skills all singing and dancing for you. Life speeds up with empathic skills. Putting you in the driving seat in the fast lane of life with abundance.
Perhaps we are missing the point of Empathic, HSPs are a great benefit to society, reimagining our lives from a different perspective and improving our intuitive empathic states, would be a great step to removing the chaos Empathic and HSPs lives. Environmentally we could be in a much better state. They bring great improvements to society, especially in corporate, government and teaching. Offering a new sensitive leadership within society. They are to be treasured and respected.
Countries with a spiritual outlook, children are seen as special and having special qualities to enhance and guide to use for the betterment of man.
Alane Freund says: The stigmatization of high sensitivity is unique to English-speaking Western cultures and needs to change, in tribal and indigenous cultures highly sensitive people became the medicine man/woman.
Empathy is the way forward and some experts are saying we should have a chief empathy officer in every workplace. What a difference that would make. HR have a lot to learn on empathy especially in the corporate world! Education, understanding and awareness on every fronts is the answer.
We cannot separate body from energetics and the impacts we feel when out of sync. It is compared to driving a car with only three wheels and no steering wheel!
Allonus ZEST of Life Training has support programmes for improving your mental and whole body empathic and energetic connections, aligning, awakening 6th sense attributes to higher frequencies of function, learn energetic skills and methods to help yourself to avoid and prevent empathic burn out.
Depending upon our body-energetic interface connections, we can live from enhancements and/or imbalances as an Empath. All systems firing or a mismatch of on/off enhancements. In my liberation from mind control, OCD and perfectionism pm 10-week and 2-day workshop training, I find various states of mind control and anxiety comes from out-of-sync empathic and energetic operations.
Power of 3 is an Empathic support programme
8-week ‘Magic of Energetics’ combo training with workshop
1-2-1 D.A.R.E therapy and energetic alignment is also available.
If you would like to know more about how you tick visit our website to find out more about ‘Allonus ZEST of life’ programmes offering insights into health and energetic dysfunctions.
Joy Wisdom