MTL Article Discernment

Discernment is a common word, but do we know the implications or meaning of the word? Discernment is an inner knowing, linked to intuition, compassion and sixth senses. Discernment is energetically filtered via our HeARt and third eye Chakra. A skill formed from observation, spatial awareness and 6thsense involvement. For example: Discernment and intuition, picking up on something that is obscure or hidden. i.e.: Today we would use discernment with scamming, to be cautious of marketing, to be weary of another’s proposal. Discernment is seen as a good judge of character. Lack of Discernment comes from living lack, survival, ungrounded, and energetically disconnected. When in drama, chaos, ungrounded (not fully present), we are not connected or using discernment. Living numbness, being self-absorbed with narrow vison of life and choices. Living life unaware of the fall-out we make for ourselves and others around us. Ignoring the obvious with little awareness. Avoidance or denial of inner knowing often choosing the wrong people to have in our lives, due to vulnerability and need rather than using our discernment. Getting caught up in humanness, without consciousness. Discernment is often described to observe people and situations well. Going beyond the obvious perception of something and making nuanced judgments about its properties or qualities. Obtaining sharp perceptions, in-tune with situations and spatial awareness, giving bigger picture vision. Discernment helps us to avoid confrontations and complications. For example, working out who done it in a film or TV movie, while red herrings divert and obscure the evidence. Discernment is used in choice. Which people to associate with or not. Sometimes outgrowing friends or partner to be with. Discernment is a skill formed from inner awareness, viewing outside of the self, being streetwise. Discernment means choices are made to avoid and prevent consequences. A figuring out, looking beyond the obvious. We use discernment every-day. For instance, when in the supermarket, we use our discernment about products, the freshness and quality of fresh food. Discernment is required in marketing and social media. Who to friend and who to reject. Discernment about what we share on Facebook, Twitter etc. When to say nothing or speak out. We are often duped in marketing and social media; are we disappointed from what is advertised, does it fall short in deliverance and our expectations? Chakra function is associated with choice and discernment We don’t always associate chakras and energetics with spiritual, sixth sense or discernment development. And remain unaware of the affects to health issues. The energetic system is complex and has amazing gifts for us to use on a daily basis. Chakras will operate to the connections it has, if weak, the benefits will be minimal. Strong connections bring positive results. With training we can tap into dormant gifts awaiting to switch on. Whether we are aware or not, energetics affect us daily, giving physical support, 24/7 radar information fed to biological, hormonal, cellular and psychological operation. The third eye is known in Egyptian mysteries as the ‘Eye of Horus’. Linked with planet Mercury ‘known as the messenger’. Mercury is associated with Horus linked to the deity Isis. Planet Mercury with Uranus have a mission to enlighten us through the brow Chakra, with illumination and revelations. While we transition fully into Aquarian Age (with Mercury/Isis at the helm) we are moving into the new age or Age of Horus. The challenge of the Third Eye is linked to choice and discernment. Do we choose, virtual living, intoxication or foolish wisdom? When the third eye is closed to spiritual illumination, we are blind to truth and only see the illusion of human reality. When this happens, we live in a world of illusions through the mind and ego, with little use of discernment.
  • When energetics are off-line/closed, we can become filled with righteousness and ego.
  • Live a narrow world of perception, only seeing our own opinions and adjust life to fit accordingly. Virtual reality is lived. Blinkered living in a narrow field of life. In this situation sixth senses, intuition and inspiration close.
The result is toxicity and inebriation. An intoxication of self: i.e.: living a shell of self, discernment is lost. Living virtual and fantasy, narrow perception, choices become limited and outdated, often repeating ancient lineage and traditional ways, passed down v inherited conditioning and biology. Certainly repetition, mindsets and behaviour are made of this. Unfortunately, the lower aspects of mercury can allow intelligence to turn to cunning, a forked tongue of deceit. Stupification and suppression can exist hand in hand keeping us on a treadmill of longevity with little change or spiritual development.   The lesson of the third eye is to: Learn to connect to higher consciousness where the soul can give guidance and vision through the Third eye, to open and guide through ‘Sixth’ sense function, upshifting as we gain consciousness and awaken to higher vista’s open to upper echelons to divine sight. When we open to the wisdom of the third eye we connect and develop discernment. Discernment is associated in spiritual faith and bible teachings. Discernment is a skill learnt from the well spring of compassion and love. When living from the heart (4thChakra) we are more engaged with discernment. Even in spiritual development we can be duped, sold lesser levels of attainment. Unfortunately, we have been used to less and expect lack due to conditioning, we have been on the treadmill for eons trying to reach our goal. If we are living discernment we will recognise a lesser level and knock back, an inner knowing there is better, and we deserve the best. Discernment is the separation of who we have become vs who we are. Discernment is a personal awakening to what we can become.  The lesson is not to walk the negative of ancients, cultures and lineages. But to choose a new path using discernment to create a world of Unity and Oneness. New horizons with discernment to leave negative old ways and behaviour. Discernment is the pathway to prevent and live the direct path. Oh wouldn’t it be a wonderful world, if we all used discernment! Joy Wisdom Founder of Allonus ZEST of Life: LiGht Healing & D.A.R.E Practitioners training.  Leading Light for new visions on health and enlightenment: Author, Inspirational and Transformational Tutoring. Universal Life, personal rewiring development, pioneering new ways in health, spiritual enlightenment training.
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