Message from Joy Wisdom & Allonus 2022

Hello Wisdom Searchers 

Wishing you and yours, peaceful times over the Christmas festivities. It has been a privilege and honour for Joy and Allonus team, to guide you through the different levels of Power of 3 support and share programmes from foundation to advanced packages throughout 2021.  We have all needed support through our second year of pandemic restrictions, highlighting our health and wellbeing, weak structures and relationship disappointments and dysfunctions have come to the fore.   A testing time of change over the last two years. Spotlighting, unhappiness, suppression/depression in life. Pushing us to make individual and global changes.

Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) unique Body-Mind support Therapy has also played an important part to guide and support with one-one therapy dissolving and resolving emotional traumatic and psychological outcomes as memories and historical emotional surges have been prevalent for many. Giving a fast-track answer to better health and wellbeing. 

Soul and Soul Psychology is required more than ever as we are moving into a time of Soul directive. The workshops have been profound and exceptional for individuals. 

Spiritually we have been starved historically however, new game changing doors open with Allonus LiGht Healing programmes bringing us closer to the purity of essence of self. Something we have been looking for decades.  New doors are opening during our transitional pandemic times to receive on exceptional levels which have been closed to us previously.  We live a new dawn of awakening with full Galactic Sun. 

Some are faring better than others in outcomes. Students have realised and praised the virtues of the various Allonus support packages with radical enlightening levels of education received during their LiGht Healing Power of 3 training, reporting they could not have coped without it… saved their sanity during Pandemic restrictions. In the times we live we can do with all the help we can get and Allonus workshops provide many unique skills weaved with education to guide and hold your hand in the process. Advanced methods have helped many in the eleven years established, putting them on a new path of life with Grace and Ease.  Meditations and new downloads have given home tuition and support. Videos have increased on YouTube and Joy Wisdom trainings have grown experientially on Facebook, twitter and now Instagram during 2021.

Those who stepped up to train in D.A.R.E therapy continue to be blown away with the content and unique blend of pioneering methods giving solutions in both body and mind outcomes.  We continue to grow with new education and training concepts.  In 2022 Allonus celebrates twelve years of Joy Wisdom training, and a special event will be arranged to celebrate. 

For those who have joined us for Power of 3 LiGht Healing stages with the literal rebirth of self, realising each stage is a level on the ladder to spiritual freedom and liberty. 

Rebirthing of the self encounters new skills in self-mastery, and does not stop, we can reach for the Cosmic and Galactic levels of exceptional living… the choice is yours… we can have it all!  It takes a while to reach mastery of self with many stages of attainment we can only dream of.  With LiGht Healing we can reach those realms faster and advance to greater degrees in humbleness, honour, and respect.  The goal all-encompassing LOVE and Bliss to live 24/7 with Soul Direction and guidance.

We find ourselves living in a society that is looking for a quick fix. When the quick fix is us. Our choices and underlying health reality are in the spotlight. We can all receive a different outlook and better health. Improved wellbeing.  And it starts with us.  If we want happiness and longevity it starts with LOVE and nurturing the self. That is not just the food we eat or the treats we give ourselves it is the compassion, tolerance, and time.   Power of 3 gives you LOVE with a capital ‘L’ the ILLUMINUM 24/7 feeds directly into the heart with advanced healing skills to obtain 24/7.  Receiving honour and respect for life. Take the struggle out of life.  Seemingly too good to be true. We have settled for less for too long and Power of 3 brings a new awakening. Unrealised in the long sleep of life. Skills are incorporated to make your life easier, smoother, living above the parapet of human suffering. And with stage 2 Opalescence and stage 3 OMNI / OMNIverse exceptional abundant paradigms are receive with Cosmic and Galactic attainment to greater expansion and switch on from dormant of self. A startling realisation on its own! As we are not all singing and dancing the mind thinks we are… it is the HeART that is the key to longevity and purity not the mind.  

Training or receiving in both arms of Allonus changes people’s lives for the better.  Trauma is abound and we don’t even realise we are living from adverse trauma from today and historically. LiGht Healing cuts to the depth of trauma, dissolving and resolving inner strain for the person… they can breathe again. Health improves.  The wonderous advanced support package is flexible to work with uniqueness required for the individual helping to support on many levels of the global transition we find ourselves in.  Amazing and transformational human and spiritual times we live and still looking for the skills and tools to make it easier on ourselves.  Humanity is stuck in their ways and advancement is taking its toll. Easily defaulting to olde ancient ways, that don’t work in today’s consciousness.  We are traversing massive steps, and much will fold and fall away as we advance in 2022. 

Ensure it is not you who folds or falls…. We can advance with Grace and Ease with living from the HEART which is what every stage of Power of 3 gives. Opening us to even greater degrees of HEART, which goes on to wonderous and unbelievable, astonishing Galactic levels.

Blessed be, precious HeARTs, I look forward to guiding with Wisdom of ages to the next unique stages of Celestial and Paradigm advancements of the Aquarian Age in 2022. 

We enter 2022 with great strides of advancement celestially, and those who have been with me in stage 2/3/4 throughout the year know that barriers and spiritual history has been made on each occasion supporting Gaia in her transition.   

Christmas period and New Year stages will find us entering new paradigms in 2022, felt on many levels. On the run up to Christmas the full moon with exceptionally potent Lunar energies, Equinox, and 20-21-22 December, numerically synchronised and invasive frequencies energetically, as many earlier millennial programmes are ending. Explosions of new starting gates as new programmes take over.  It will be a time of holding on to your hat as the Tsunami comes.

A Tsunami of change is coming faster than we think and will be ongoing in 2022. 

We are walking into a new paradigm starting on 31st December 2021. We are returning to the higher frequencies we have lived previously as Atlanteans. Many are here for the occasion. Lining up to receive.  Something we have longed for over the eons of time. Where we fell from grace and separated from ourselves and Soul.  The journey has been long and in our OMNI HeART workshop, doors were closed on the devastation, hurt and loss felt, together with various levels of shock. The enormous healing of Atlantean Souls was felt by all. A tearful and emotional time. As on mass we moved forward instead of being stuck in an emotional time warp. 

Starting in January, Joy will be running various additional enlightening individual support programmes together with Global reach and Atlantean Template workshops in 2022 it will be a busy year supporting Gaia and humanity as we go forward on the various advanced segments of the unstoppable ‘Atlantean River of change programme’ begins on all fronts. 

Changes and knock-on effects will be felt…affecting energetics, human biological systems, psyche, and equilibrium? 

Symptoms will be different for all, Individual lack of sleep and waves of emotions, lack lustre and little motivation will be felt. From a spiritual and transition point of view, Christmas is a time to take it easy, focus on your training skills, use the various levels of Power of 3 practice. It will help to support and ground you as important frequency changes are felt, as we go up in the lift of higher attainment and Blissful living.

Be aware, stay focused and listen to your heart and intuition for guidance, keep me posted if you need assistance, a chat can sometimes help to put your mind at rest. Consider tweaks and elimination with a D.A.R.E session to rebalance, helping to clear ancient memories, solutions to past life traumas, influences, barriers, and fears that will surface as waves of emotional baggage comes to the fore for eradication.  The olde and ancient must go… don’t put yourself through more suffering, don’t perpetuate or continue ancient suffering when it can be gone with a couple of hours of D.A.R.E. It is a time to LOVE AND NURTURE YOURSELF.

Additional to your daily practice, place your left hand on the Duel or Tri HeART Chakra with right hand on top and send yourself whatever level of training received…DILH, Opalescence or OMNI into the heart… together with your gratitude, respect, honour for self and precious life.  It is a game changer, as we have forgotten how to love and nurture ourselves.  Money and materialistic items do not count for the heart. It needs to feel you to enlarge the 3-fold-flame in the process. 

To be aglow we need feeding from inside out.  We are meant to enjoy the journey… where suffering becomes a thing of the past. 

Love from ONEness and UNITY HeART at Christmas

Joy x

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