Looking for LOVE - IGNITE HeART centre with Power of 3
On-line learning and applications for inner transformation: Adding to practice skills.
When we start to open and live from our heart we ignite our 3-Fold-flame.
All spiritual activation takes place on a human, physical and energetic level. This is meant to happen automatically. However due to eons of fear and harsh living, a numbness of the heart ensued. Becoming more challenging to receive. Embers are found instead of flames.
For instance the Heart and throat would be activated from Pink flames (feminine aspect) and blue flame (masculine aspect) linked to brain hemispheres. The pink and blue flames blend to become ONE – the Violet flame.
The Violet flame activated our spiritual brain center’s the Pineal, Pituitary and Hyperthalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brains.
This action activated the Crown chakra of enlightenment, opened a link to Solar Chakras, 12th level, birthed to each individual the frequency and essence of ‘Christ Consciousness.’
Pack includes: Manual, CPD Certificate, Essence, Crystal Selenite rods: DVD and CD On Line training with new applications.
See website for dates.2-day training is available to anyone: no previous experience requiredAlign with your Soul agenda… live what we are here to do.Webinar details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guWFtykXnHg
You tube interviews on various subject: https://www.youtube.com/user/AllonusJoyWisdom/videos
Healers Unite campaign : https://www.facebook.com/events/198881318643377?active_tab=about
Joy Wisdom founder
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