HeART Health by Joy Wisdom

February is Heart Health month

The clinical health of the cardiovascular system is critical to health of all the organs around the body, supporting the physical heart is crucial as we age. Exercise and healthy diet is often the typical suggestions. However the impacts of stress and emotional trauma on the physical heart has a profound effect upon heart function bringing strain to the physical heart. Stress causes the heart to work harder.

Stress and emotional trauma have a profound impact on heart health, yet they are often overlooked in discussions about cardiovascular wellness. Chronic stress activates the body's fight-or-flight response, increasing cortisol and adrenaline levels, which in turn raise heart rate and blood pressure. Over time, this added strain can contribute to hypertension, inflammation, and even heart disease.

Emotional trauma, particularly unresolved grief, anxiety, or depression can lead to physiological changes such as increased arterial stiffness and irregular heart rhythms. There's even a condition called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (or "broken heart syndrome"), where extreme emotional distress can temporarily weaken the heart muscle.

I wrote an article recently regarding workplace neglect—feeling invisible, unrecognised, or unappreciated—triggers a stress response that can have serious consequences for heart health. Chronic emotional stress from being ignored can elevate cortisol levels, disrupt heart rate variability, and even contribute to long-term cardiovascular issues. In other words we weaken the heart with stress. And it happens every day, everywhere as society becomes more remote, separated by the virtual world, intolerant and less compassionate. We are losing connection to the heart. 

My training, articles and insights about oxytocin and heart connection is especially important. When we feel seen, valued, and emotionally connected, oxytocin helps counteract stress hormones, promoting relaxation and even supporting heart function. The heart isn’t just a mechanical pump—it’s deeply intertwined with our emotions, social interactions and biochemical responses.

We can engage more with beautiful and holistic approaches to heart health! Love and self-compassion are truly transformative, not just emotionally but physiologically as well. When we cultivate kindness—toward ourselves and others—we create a biochemical environment that supports heart function, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being.

I have been told my new eara approach brings a much-needed antidote to the modern-day disconnection and stress that so many people face. When it is a simple approach of HeART health. Educational growth programmes are available for health professionals and individuals. If you would love to hear more, be supported or professionally train with ZEST of Life new era approaches for heart health, enjoy a more heart-centered way of living, please contact Joy Wisdom

Allonus Ltd /Joy Wisdom Trust.


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