Harmony, expanding the spiritual self by Joy Wisdom

Being able to help others with healing modalities is a wonderful addition to life and career. Healing has been used for centauries and part of our own spiritual journey. Healing the self.


We are in a great transition in life, culture and lineage changes, bringing more awareness of our environment, realisations that action is required to do things differently in our transition to heal and upshift the self. Bring more harmony in our inner self as well as environmentally, globally. For we each affect one another – the butterfly affect ….flapping its wings in another part of the world as it ripples out to the rest of us.


Realising harmony and balance is on many levels.

Are we a unit, do we live from ONENess or are we fragmented in our unit?  Is our Etheric mechanisms working for us with persona, required for spiritual enlightenment. Or are we creating ripples in the rest of our and others world?  Everything works on a harmony and balance. When we are separate disjointed we feel more of the ripples of global and environmental fracturedness.


Numerous sticking points can be found from our out of sync spiritual activation mechanisms in life and spiritual journey slowing us down, without conscious recognition.


One of the hidden factors is the transition of Electromagnetic to Crystalline phase out. Meant to be smooth and automatic. However, holding on to ancient and outdated process can interrupt and slow down this process.


Power of 3 starting point helps to kickstart, switch on crystalline abilities within, a direct upshift happens within. Helping to move individual out of electromagnetic dominance and human chakra support. When stuck in electromagnetic (Mer-ka-ba) operation we feel the emotional blow out. Crystalline systems don’t work with emotions. Not affected or interrupted by emotions at all. Why the stability received from switch over is profound. Chakras are fed from a different Solar source, instead fed direct straight into you. Not having to go through the auric bodies. Stepping out of sea saw living.

The results are stability and higher frequencies supporting individual internally and externally.


We are unique spiritual warriors and feel the drive for harmony and advancement.

Electromagnetic (Mer-ka-Ba) operational aspects can be out of sync, and we feel the confusion, disconnection and distress. We are only as good as our connections (internally and externally) individuals can find themselves stuck in electromagnetic programmes of old, living defaults keeping on a rescue mission, saving others; living ancients blinkered view, continuing neglect prospectus passed down through the ages. Fact is electromagnetic functions keeps us in stoicism, fear, emotional treadmill, spiralling away from harmony and future living.


Individuals require Crystalline function a direct process to initiate ‘direct switch on’ a phase of  internal connections, (lain dormant for generations). Awakening crystalline internal abilities aligns with more of self by opening the 2nd heart chakra the ‘Sacred HeART'. Initiating harmony with a dual heart function (Sacred and 4th HeART Chakra working in harmony), facilitated by starting a new interface action, syncing human chakras to our Solar Chakras. Solar chakras to Sacred HeART and Crystalline unity. Kickstarting action in 8-14th Solar chakras. Igniting a whole new app process to live and integrate. Living with a dual HeART. Igniting inner programmes of transformation, forming active regeneration, switching from old electromagnetic to new crystalline function. Upshifting internal states improving wellbeing, enhanced support on Body-Mind-Emotion living. Bringing harmony to various systems and internal states for enhanced spiritual reactions.


What is there not to LOVE. A lifeline for new beginnings, jettisoning upshifting new perceptions and bringing the ZEST of life back. Without stress and pressure.


For sixteen years I have been training and teaching new support programmes in spiritual advancement, mentoring on cosmic and galactic enlightenment kickstarting internal systems to embrace more of our spiritual journey. Advanced actions to embrace new and faster applications for us to jump life hurdles to liberty and freedom living the dream of spiritual advancement. Because we can with this programme. We have been used to accepting less. Now we can achieve so much in a short period of time.


In 2007 Quan Yin showed me new energies to come, little did I think I would be delivering them? A magnificent package which has grown beyond expectation. The purity programmes help humanity to advance individually, evolving at cosmic and galactic pace. An enormous package of transition that would be known as Power of 3. With basic, intermediate and advanced galactic life structures that would blow our minds.


Profound direct action programmes to help individuals transend to NEW ERA Mer-Ka-Vic crystalline system. Upshift in the 12-lane spiritual highway in the Soul Arc Ferrari.


  • Enhances body, mind and dilutes emotion.
  • Stops energetic blow out. And spiralling away from life.
  • Opens doors to new spiritual guidance
  • Expand mind, perceptions
  • Live Emotional intelligence – tolerance
  • Emotional detachment, and eternal peace
  • Solar Chakras frequencies support internal and external states.
  • Receive 24/7 Divine Feminine LOVE and Nurturing
  • Form a buffer to negativity – making it easier to live in the world without sensory impacts.
  • Move from 4th to a 3-way Heart action- ‘Tri-HEART’ centre living.
  • With heightened operation with Sacred, Cosmic and Galactic operation spiritual development through three stages of rebirth of authentic self.


Video Ultimate Spiritual makeover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZYwKIxvKhI

Joy Wisdom

Find out more about ‘Power-of-3’ & Allonus ‘ZEST of Life’ programmes @ info@allonus.co.uk

Call to book your FREE horizon call to find out more.

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