Faith in Action

Dreamer Awake – the embodiment of faith into action 

By Joy Wisdom 

Faith Healing has been around for centuries and known to work effectively. Today we have an enormous range of healing modalities available to us, Reiki, Angelic and Crystal Healing, Light Healing etc,  many followers with variations on a theme, with different healing beliefs and applications of training.  Healing is about what amount of positive and pure vibration/ energy we can route or funnel through us to transmute negativity in others. Logically, purer mind and body the higher the vibration can be shared. 

As empaths, sensitives and healers, we each hold a wealth of knowledge, understanding, honed energy vibrations and enjoyed the benefits for lifetimes.  In these unprecedented times, we need to share and help humanity with our gifts of healing and compassion.

An empath and sensitive myself, to me healing is a way of life. We embody healing energies within helping daily, with internal activations received.  Developing compassionate and loving ways to help each other. To use unconditionally.  Being taught healing skills, brings awakening, a gift in its self. Privileged, using our gifts makes us stronger, happier the ‘Dreamer Awakes’ receiving, generating more of the self. Uniting self, (Auric four-bodies) realising our roles, connections, why here etc.  The long-term angelic or Soul plan is we use enlightened knowledge, higher vibrations to help society, humanity, environment supporting globally. One of the reasons we are here to assist in unprecedented times of need. 

Unfortunately, selfishness and conditions still exist with the healing profession. When we stifle our gifts it comes with a price, we become a Shell of Soul.. limiting our potential and growth!

To me spiritual development and Healing is a two-way street. Especially, when we live in such perilous times of pandemic within society. Mortality growing daily, vulnerability heightening with the unknown and survival. In 2021 we are living in war zone conditions our grandparents and great grandparents lived. In 2020/1 the perpetrator is stealth like and unseen by the naked eye. Our world is in put in context;  in the USA more people have died from C19 pandemic than in WWII.

Time to Spring into Action.

Have you sent good thoughts or healing to someone who is ill and made a difference, feeling supported in their time of need. Just imagine receiving MASS healing when suffering from C19. What a difference that would make and how we could make greater change to their recovery.  

As we move into another year of Pandemic, all are being called upon by spirit to spring into action. Help society with Healing, compassionate and sensitive skills we are proud to hold. They don’t just work with nurses and medical staff. We as healers, sensitives, Empaths, Lightworkers; New Kids, Indigos, Crystals and Cosmics to speed up LIGHT connections and 6th sense abilities we enjoy …to USE and PUT into ACTION with immediate effect

Humanity needs you now! Asked to multitask, send healing in constructive time slots, upshift everyone’s world to a better place. Incorporating healing in many ways… multitasking while having a cup of tea. Meditating, doing the washing up,  going for a walk, while exercising etc.   We can make a difference and be pragmatic at the same time. 

The difference is when structured, united we can achieve mammoth and tangible change.

Turn faith into action. United, we are a strong force making a bigger impact upon humanity reducing fear, stabilising consciousness. As Healers, sensitive and empaths we have skills to assist humanity. Don't keep it to yourself... put faith into action. Put your skills to bigger and better use in these times of need. Timing is imperative…Don't wait or hesitate... Humanity needs you now!

United sending a blanket of healing on mass makes a bigger difference

Wherever you live globally, UK - Europe - USA - Australia, India etc. Start in your area and ripple out sending to all. Streets, towns, cities.. continents...Rippling further and further going out globally.

  1. Daily send healing to your front line workers 8am & 8pm 
  2. 1pm daily send 'Healing energy' to all C19 victims to speed up recovery. Support those in fear, grief, devastation and loss. Additional slots 4pm-10pm-12pm
  3. Please Offer FREE digital tasters for stressed, depressed and lonely people etc. within your community. 

Share this information with friends, healing groups and contacts as we come together to join constructively a mammoth blanket of support on mass helping humanity. We can make change with focus and intention. Taking just 15-30 min of your day. 
Think BIG, with collective at time slots.

Some of you will already be singularly and small groups doing this. Thinking BIG, is the difference with collective time slots. Create synergy and multiply experientially with bigger effect and outcomes. Suffers will FEEL the LOVE from humanity to individuals who need our support. Make a start today with family, friends. Your area, town, city, spreading out each time to encompass bigger areas. Think BIG all meeting as we capture globally. Be inspired, listen to your heart and let angelic qualities flow.

Become a shining LIGHT, spread LIGHT in these dark times.

United we are strong and can make a vast difference to humanity. Scheduled times and networking bring more positive outcomes.  If you are not a trained healer you can still join in, send Love, compassion and gratitude from your heart to all hearts, you will feel the connection. Sending courage and strength to survive. Cope with the strain of their day.

Healers UNITE around the world. Use your sensitive skills to help humanity 

Join me in this campaign to help globally. 

Turn faith into action with ONE HeART and ONE MIND

Joy Wisdom 

Founder of Allonus CMA approved training college

LiGht Healing programme - advanced personal and spiritual development 

Awarded D.A.R.E Body-Mind-Emotion revolutionary practitioners training  You tube and webinars

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