Face masks or not?


The debate goes on should we wear face masks or not? Face masks have become a feature of life with C19 Pandemic and will continue to do so as we realise spikes and travel will continue the ongoing situation.

The fact is there was science evidence months ago that masks would slow down the spread of C19 from France. Since then other science evidence has emerged confirming the importance of wearing face masks and gloves.

Science preventing logic is that face masks help prevent the spread of C19:  Which is a good thing surely. As we are aware that the virus becomes airborne with breathing and sneezing. Additionally, shedding virus while a carrier or a victim suffering from C19 picking up from touching or being sprayed... telling us it is much safer to prevent by wearing a mask.
Some people are choosing to wear visors instead of a face mask however new evidence says that is not enough;  Visors are a protective face covering to stop others spraying the face with spit or sneezing on the face.

New evidence from Edinburgh University, showed that visors and face coverings offer different types of protection and suggested that face shields should not be used as solitary face/eye protection, but rather as an adjunctive to other PPE such as face masks.   


Guidance is mixed and keeps being updated from government.
The latest guidance from the Government that from the 24th July  England ‘Strongly advised to wear a face covering in other enclosed public spaces where social distancing may be difficult and where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet’
Ireland is following the England stand, Scotland is amending to compulsory and Wales have yet to make their mind up!

Essentially, common sense needs to prevail. And while the proving continues we need to make individual choices to stop the virus spreading. It is becoming reality knowing it is a Risk to yourself if not wearing facemarks and visors while out and about. I would also suggest wearing gloves as the virus can be picked up touching products in the supermarket, from packaging etc. and public places where sanitation is not constantly applied.

We need to prevent and save lives
The advice is there if we wish to look for it.  It is too late when we become ill. Essentially, it is not only the individual who wears the mask who is protecting, they are protecting others from themselves.  We need to become specialy aware, as some of the ads tell us the person standing next to you could be a carrier.  The idea that 'I am alright jack' is selfish and could take someones life.
As it did to Typhoid Mary (a carrier of Typhoid) in USA who did not suffer, however was responsible for people dying. A first for realising that people do carry disease unaffected and unknowingly. Perhaps this is where we need to turn our attention to those who are carriers to help stop and prevent ongoing health risks.

Therefore we need to be aware of ourselves and others we could involuntarily harm.  Prevention is the key and facemasks/ gloves are the answer.

Immunity is the key to better health:

Vitamin C is essential for improved immunity: intake with kiwi fruit, oranges and veg with vitamin C and supplements help too.
Good sources of vitamin C:

  • oranges and orange juice.
  • red and green peppers.
  • strawberries.
  • blackcurrants.
  • broccoli.
  • brussels sprouts.
  • potatoes.

Zinc is known to improve immunity: Zinc helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
High zinc fruits include: Avocados, blackberries, pomegranates, raspberries, guavas, cantaloupes, apricots, peaches, kiwifruit, and blueberries.
Nuts, seeds are some of the foods that can improve zinc absorption. 
Squash seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds
pine nuts, cashews, pecans, brazil nuts, and almonds.


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