Empty the sludge

Empty the vessel … Is Detox enough ?   by Joy Wisdom The vessel we live with is our physical body. Made up of many parts and parameters. Often unknown and automatic, working with us 24/7 What we eat will cause internal systems and digestions to fluctuate in support or decline. Depending upon our internal systems of support. We have several systems to remove toxins from our physical body known as excretory organs.
  1. Gut / digestive system
  2. Lymph system filters through glands of the body,
  3. Bladder and Kidneys
  4. Skin
Our Vagus nerve is the responsible for nervous interaction between organs and brain response. The Vagus nerve connects to all our major organs including gut, heart the lungs. Tells our systems when to secrete, stomach to churn, involved with hypertension and heartbeat. When we ingest toxins and poisons from food and environment overtime it will decline gut and excretory systems. Physical detoxing helps to reduce the impacts of on our systems. We have various over the counter natural and chemical products to do this. The world is full of negative actions and reaction and it is not only in food that we find toxins that are harmful to our body. In Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) one-to-one sessions I commonly find people with remnants of poison affecting them today from past life and present-day influences. Responsible for their present-day issues in gut, breathing and natural ingestion. In these cases, detoxing is not enough. Where we need direct action to remove the historical base line that is still in action today. With D.A.R.E tools I find that organs and Lymph system may be still working at previous impacts of poison. The effects of poison are detrimental, can be a long-slow-death as the deadly mixture is absorbed and closes down body systems and brain. We can be fully aware of the shutdown with brain active and clear at the time of death. Creating indelible memories of the event. The detriment is instant shutting down nervous system and unable to move physically. Terrified from the event. Poison was used as a death sentence in Roman times. And Socrates was punished so. Made to take the poison and an audience watched as he walked around until collapse, body was rendered incapable. It could take hours and even days for the individual to die this way, dependent upon the substance used. Sumerians first documented the use of poison in 4500 BC. Ancients used plant-based Curare (South America) and Aconite (Europe). Many poisons are used even in our healthcare today. Various tribes used poison from frogs and venom from snakes, poisoning arrows used in tribal wars for eons. Very prevalent in the Middle Ages, Greeks, Romans and Religious groups used poison against their enemies. Life was cheap and elimination of enemies who stood between their personal agenda and power/control. Through the ages poison was added to victim’s food and drink. One of the reasons food tasters were introduced to taste the food first, keeping their king or lord/lady safe. Terrifying for the taster. Today the individual may still have an eversion to food and drink. Memory and emotion dictating ingestion or not. Their association with food would be minimal. Not caring if eating or not and with great suspicion of people!  No trust or faith in others. With D.A.R.E I have met quite a few who had been tasters. Living irrational fears of eating with people. Preferring to eat alone. Only eat what they have bought and cooked, fearful of anyone touching their food. On the emotional side, anxiety a constant. Irrational fear and stress with no known cause in this life… still living the terror they once lived. Physical side, headaches, allergies, gut issues and skin disorders. Of course, today we have concerning levels of additional man-made poisons and toxins: practices injecting mercury and aluminium in jabs: plus, copious toxic sprays on grains, plants, Steroids etc. getting into food chain via animals and products we eat. Poison and toxicity are prevalent in all sorts of ways including in beauty, cleaning and bathroom products, sprays. A full description of health issues by toxins can be found in my book ‘Pregnancy and Birth a New Generation’. In 2016 a study was published in ‘Paediatrics’ finding increased Arsenic exposures of infants who were given rice cereals. The study included over seven hundred infants analysing urinary arsenic excretion. Those consuming rice products in their first year had significantly higher arsenic levels than those not consuming rice products. They suggested not providing rice products to infants as a sole source of grains and that consumption should be limited. Foods can be a significant source of arsenic and other heavy metals. When elevated heavy metals are found in HTMA results, especially arsenic; essentially, long term exposure can adversely impact child’s development. Source: Karagas, MR, et al. Association of rice and rice product consumption with arsenic exposure early in life. JAMA Pediatr. Published online April 25, 2016. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.0120. Today toxicity includes side effects from medications and prescribed drugs found to affect memory, brain development, traits of ADHD, Arthritis and auto immune dysfunctions and the list goes on. Innocents are living toxicity in present age, from historical and reincarnation, IGTA weakness, causing double and triple whammy incidents persisting. Adding to already dire levels of LSD syndrome parameters for individuals, and we wonder why we have chronic illness like Cancer! Essentially our physical works with what we have created. A weave of incidences, allergic reactions creating memories and shock indelible within physical and energetics. Living cause and effect to greater degrees. Detoxing is more than physical we need to remove the emotional fall out and shock too to detox and stop the cause and affect continuing in our daily lives. When anxious we stimulate stress hormones that cause inflammation causing decline and chronic disorders such as ‘Big C’! The term ‘empty your vessel’ is common i.e.: Detox. However, we take this literally and only look at the physical normally the gut function. Indeed, it has a place as described above it is key to good health. A healthy gut will promote a healthy life…. However, emotionally and psychologically we are also affected.  The gut is situated around the Solar and Sacral plexus where we store and hold emotion. All the criticism we have every received (including self critism) is stored here. Together with our fear’s, anxiety, yippy tummy, will all affect Solar and Sacral plexus.  They are part of our ‘Will’ centres and developed in life.  I find most people have lots of issues around both areas. Ignored because no pill to fix this. Although both areas very prevalent in the dysfunction and action of the gut too. The Solar and Sacral Plexus are important to correct, involved in our detox process. For if we just concentrate on our physical and not energetics, we have only corrected part of the problem. In my D.A.R.E training programme I teach awareness and how to correct health and energetic issues, showing the bigger picture of what is happening on all levels. I also have a CD to help individuals to help themselves to correct Solar and Sacral imbalances. I have had excellent feedback from those who have purchased, and you can see testimonials on the web site. Information and awareness are like GOLD. Where we are aware, we can help ourselves and avoid circumstances that continue our accumulation of dis-orders and dis-ease that can be prevented. Knowledge is power – your inner power.  It pays to be BODY WISE. Additionally we have the spiritual detox that has been going on for several decades. Being pushed to remove emotional and psychological damage. To free the spirit and get on with our souls journey. We have been offered many opportunities to accomplish, Angelic and Soul groups continue support us. As the years go by we feel the pressure to jettison the olde historical structures and karma accumulated over centuries of repetition. LiGHt Healing programme is a fast track rebirthing programme designed to kick start the individual with skills to help the self, with superb advanced support packages and new understanding that is extraordinary, paving the way forward to new levels of enlightenment. Joy offers various training programmes: Founder of inspirational diversity in health training and specialist support packages Championing Body, Mind and Emotional Health, Wellbeing and improved health. Transformational self-inspired 5-day programme; Practitioners Body-Mind-Emotional D.A.R.E Therapy training.  A combination approach of radical concepts that work fast.   LiGHt Healing programme– a complete support package of spiritual advancement. See the website for dates - POWER of 3 a nine-month development of Re-birth and awakening. See website for further dates : www.allonus.co.uk   info@allonus.co.uk Joy Wisdom awarded Excellence in Holistic Training 2019: Inspirational Woman & Commitment to Excellence 2015:  Therapist of the year 2018: Transformational Trainer: Author, Tutor, Inspirational speaker; Leading light for Aquarian age. 06.19
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