Extraordinary times we live and I am constantly aware of how much we have moved forward expanding new horizons with D.A.R.E Therapy advancements.
We do not associate mental and emotional issues around limited spiritual advancement.
Yet it does exist. The Soul becomes weary of our delay and procrastination. And we certainly feel it at a physical level playing a part in depression, stress and anxiety. Underwhelmed and overwhelmed also found in the bigger picture of psychological impacts.
Mental and emotional health decline is the result of, the outcome, not the cause… the real cause is complex, ignored and misunderstood. Often looking in the direction of mind, million miles away from the true cause.
UNITY is the buzz word in 2021 and without an open Heart and Soul connection we will feel bereft, under-par, lost in life. To feel whole we need all of our energetic and physical systems in sync. When we are fragmented, not aligned we feel out of kilter. D.A.R.E has much more to offer with unique and profound methods to help individuals to be liberated from mental and emotional health issues. It is more than the mind; we need to look at the whole of the person not just the mind. Mental health is the result of, not the cause. Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) brings cutting edge approaches learning the revolutionary methods to resolve and dissolve the consequences of lack of love/nurturing/bonding; emotional pain of dysfunction of self, soul, cutting us off leaving us depressed and out of sync. Shell of Soul living. Title of my second book see website.
I am honoured to bring my insights and awareness to train practitioners in new unique approaches for psychological health improvements influenced by soul and spiritual separation. Finding and teaching new methods to work at Soul level is awe inspiring on a personal and professional level.
Well done all who stepped forward for intermediate D.A.R.E & Soul training. Pioneers of new approaches to help humanity in a profound and astounding way. Bringing spiritual and physical consciousness to the fore. We are blind and unaware of how we are affected by separation of self, very much involved in mental and physical health decline. Not seen yet driven daily. It won’t show on an Xray, or psychological detection… yet there and underlying grief, sadness, weariness, overwhelming states of depression, feeling bereft and alone. The lack of unity takes its toll upon us on all levels. Living ‘Shell of Soul’; heart breaking to watch and extraordinary to be able to give a LIFE LINE to the individual bringing, unity from separation, swift liberation out of darkness of mental and emotional health paradigms created.
The compassion and sacredness given in this training is amazing… no words can describe the rescue package given and received. A profound personal and professional advancement taking understanding to a whole new level of heart and mind deliverance.
A profound four-days of HeART centred learning the impacts of Soul separation on a spiritual and consciousness level. All who participated are enjoying the new alignments, improved frequencies of heart rhythm, energetic expansion and Soul centred heart-beat. Extraordinary advances on a personal and professional alignment were received in abundance.
If we want to be a specialist practitioner we need to deal with our own separation before we can be effective in our own life and with clients. Education and training is the key and Allonus brings packages to help individually and in groups. Don’t suffer, move forward personally and professionally with D.A.R.E.
D.A.R.E trained professionals enjoy an expansive multidimensional education programme, where practitioners can deal with a range of disorders or health issues at one place. When we seek answers from different modalities we can get lost in the melee of stoic training and important elements can be missed. D.A.R.E Therapy brings an expanded picture of unique approaches to help client move on. Saving time, money with faster results.
Additional way of personal advancement kick starting Soul awakening and improved connection through a 2-day Soul & Soul Psychology workshop. A magnificent opportunity to find inner peace and tranquillity from soul advancement. Open to anyone. No previous experience required.
Contact for personal one-to-ones – find a Therapist in your area.
See website for D.A.R.E training dates. Personal development and transformation.
D.A.R.E practitioners training starts with Induction to get us all on the same page before Foundation training begins. Don’t have to want to be a practitioner to receive and enjoy the differences, Induction brings to personal transformation. Open to anyone no previous experience required… Contact for a taster… more information or a chat.
More information on You Tube, various videos, books, DVD’s and downloads, articles on website.
This is what students say from their D.A.R.E & Soul training … Awesome, amazing and profound… words cannot convey what was taught and all received.
Incredible 4-days of advancements. Thrilled to have been part of the ground breaking changes personally received. Enjoying profound new connections and integration plus new methods to treat. Thank you so much for your pioneering work. Lyz
There are not enough superlatives in the English language to describe what we have just received. Priceless and such an honour and privilege to have been part of it. Great strides achieves for unity of self and others. Christine.
D.A.R.E & Soul workshop was phenomenal. Exceeded all expectations. Thank you Joy for the gifts you bring in abundance to humanity. Una
Joy WisdomFounder Allonus ZEST of Life : Allonus Light Healing programme: Author and award winning D.A.R.E HeART centred practitioners Therapy training. CMA registered training programme