Cosmic push 2019

In the last two months we have experienced upshifted energetics in consciousness and advances in spiritual development. We moved into toddler mode for Aquarian Age development over December and early January 2019. Learning to crawl and walk, taking steps in awareness and learning new ways of living in our advancement of humanity and spiritual development. Having a toddler granddaughter, myself, her world is full of new horizons, experiences and sensory development. Stringing words together to communicate and getting frustrated when she is not understood. A world of new with no manual. Fraught with dangers and misunderstanding picking her way through the melee with her parents and family guidance, introducing safety precautions teaching her how to live in the world safely. Similar experiences on our toddler Aquarian Age development, not understanding the words and getting frustrated because we are stuck, impatient and annoyed with life. Mixed consciousness realisations with as we grow with Cosmic cascades of awakening energy. Being a sensitive Cosmic child, she sees, hears and etherically perceives differently, picking up on negativity and peoples closed hearts. She must wonder ‘what a world’ she has come into, seeing all the flaws that individuals take for granted as normal, when in her eyes abnormal! Often wants to retreat home where her environment is calmer, familiar and safe. A similar experience for many of our sensitives and empaths who retreat, shying from interacting due to hurtful experiences, inadequate information, knowledge of how to deal with life. We are living in Cosmic transitional times in 2019, very different from ten years ago. It can feel chaotic and we need all the help we can get to pick through the melee that we find ourselves negotiating at this time. The Aquarian age is pushing us to develop internal connections, advance emotionally and psychologically. Jettison old out-dated ways of living and embrace anew. Aquarian age advancing humanity, developing dormant areas of the brain and nervous system. A loving and compassionate life. Tolerance and emotional intellectual structure of acceptance, nurturing the self. Essentially, the spiritual self has been starved for eons! Many of us are looking for spiritual answers and travelling the world looking for clues: when inside is key, activating from dormant to alive. We seem to have missed the point regarding our spiritual development from Aquarian eyes. Led down paths of diversion and time wasting, instead of advancement. Diversion is a mix of many parts. Key is internal vision avoiding external route, most individuals take. Awaken the Soul self. Amazing, transitional times December 2018 was no exception. A special Cosmic revolution occurred. Equivalent to 12.12.12 and 21.12.2012.  Initiating another phase or transitional jumping point, next step or place on the ladder of evolution. Many who knew the significance of 2012, and especially 12.12.12, held mixed emotions and thinking around 12.12.12: End of the world and unknown territories, as we knew it. Signified a new eara. Finally entering baby steps into a different era of two-thousand-years. Accelerated over decades to come. Many changes and challenges would happen individually, globally, ending Piscean age control, power, intolerance and ‘I’, selfishness: Moving forward to embrace Unity, Oneness and LOVE. Six years of transformation has already taken place. Some view as chaos, unrest, others see it for what it is. CHANGE. And at the end of 2018, the universe gave a bigger push into Aquarian toddler stage. Another giant step for physical, emotional and mental transition for all, dismantling old and infusing new.  How evolution works. Many phases unfolded over the years, at different time frames. 2018 is one of many to unfold. I would have preferred a less laboured train leaving the station, in 2012, still heavy from onslaught of negativity and injustice eliminating as it went, flying off as speed gathered. As smooth as we could make it, consciousness dictated 24.12.2012 outcomes. Six years on, we experience further adjustments, put in place during 19-24th December 2012. Summer solstice 2018, instigated several completions and further key processes activated; aligned, for December’s phase of acceleration.  So here we are, more portals and phases of sublime energies synching and radiating to the planet from above and Gaia radiating to us. The energies are quite spectacular and the next full moon’s strong energies on the 21st December, added accelerated Light action on 24th when phase 3-4-5 switched on. Rebirthing from 19.12.2018, (same format as 12.12.12) this time more significant to humanity. (As each phase will be). Democracy of the self is the theme, cherry pick, or ignore in our own Brexit from old?  All will be highlighted as the New energies are cascaded to Gaia. 12.12.18 carried activation codes of positive and major change, mirroring 12.12.12 formats. In this phase our Soul groups and soul connections are focused. Happier times, a different concept and pathway open to us, allowing us to feel Love, inner power and ignition of the 3-fold-flame held in the heart chakra (4th).  Helping to feel more grounded, in the flow of life, instead of pushing against it. Empaths and sensitives sigh with relief, more comfortable with NEW familiar energies flooding planet earth. The energies have flavours of OMNI. OMNI means everything and everywhere… giving reality of ourselves.  Oneness and unity, globally all will be in the spotlight. Since 12.12.18, riots in France and demonstrations in Italy, highlighting injustice and separation. New energy symptoms can be sleepless, restless sleep, tiredness and irrational emotions from nowhere, highlighting misalignment and separation of the self. The journey to self-alignment-synching and unity has begun. We were given spirals of time in the summer during the Lions Gate alignment, this paved the way for releasing December’s flow of energies, helping us to align to higher frequencies and feel peace. As with any energetic transition on such a grand scale, some baulked against change digging their heels in (stuck) harder choice to let go of old ancient and IGTA (inherited-generational-transference-absorption) elimination. Frequencies advising to walk away from what no longer serves. Moving towards healthier living, positive people with grace and ease. Essentially, we are living pioneering ways, and all will continue to instigate change, on different levels highlighting neglect, and lack. Promoting tolerance, nurturing and love for the self and others, learning deeper aspects of Love and self-awareness, for evolution. The key is choice…we can embrace and move faster or slow the process down, an individual choice. Joy Wisdom teaches accordingly, offering New approaches, with assistance and learning to help transition during these amazing times we live. We certainly need a new tool box to deal with what is here and to come. We live in remarkable times, pioneering change, new visions for living, health and longevity. Suffering will be a thing of the past… as Quan told me in mid 1990s and I am seeing it in my lifetime. Happy days! The helping hand of Allonus is there for you to guide and give new tools for life… reach out and accelerate change for yourself, grab with both hands. Save yourself, save your Soul, see website for workshops. OMNI energies can be yours from inside out 24/7 with the Power-of-3 LiGht Healing Programme. Joy Wisdom Awarded Excellence in Training 2019 Author, Transformational Trainer: Awarded Inspirational Woman & Commitment to Excellence 2015.  Therapist of the year 2018 Founder of Allonus Zest of Life Programme: Founder of D.A.R.E intuitive Body-Mind-Emotion revolutionary Therapy training
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