Christmas News Letter from Joy Wisdom & Allonus team
Wishing you and yours a peaceful and happy festive time.
Our interactions may have been virtual or LIVE during 2024 with events, workshops, talks, webinars or phone conversations. Either way we are very glad to have been of assistance a guiding light and support to many of you and know we made a difference in your life. Allonus is designed to be different and differences you can make as an individual or professional with Joy Wisdom training is extraordinary. We thank you for seeking us out and taking advantage of our expertise and professionalism to make a difference for yourself and clients.
A pleasure meeting you and thank you for your interaction and being there with us.
As a holistic health expert and leading light Joy does not stand still with advanced training and expansion continues. 2024 Joy launched four exciting NEW themes of personal and professional deep dive understanding education around long term impacts mind and emotion brings. Perfectionism, OCD, Mind Control. Conscious Communication and hidden factors that affect all of us such as Karma and hidden influences on energetics were launched in 2024. A big programme of education and awareness unwrapped for evolution.
Karma is misunderstood, and Joy wanted to educate a bigger perception to correct false news around both subjects. Karma is made daily and a global issue. The result of lack of awareness, mind and emotional outcomes. New ideas and learning how to identify when making karma, what to do to stop making karma, and liberate self in the process is an amazing thing to learn, living new paradigms of understanding and stop shooting self in the foot is a bonus beyond winning the lottery.
A busy year of expansion kicked off with personal-professional growth online evening training.
1. Perfectionism, OCD and Mind control - 10 week + 2 day workshop
2. Conscious Communication - 8 weeks and 2 day workshop
3. Liberation from Karma - 10 weeks and 1 day workshop
4. Magic of Energetics - 9 weeks and 2 day workshop
Perfectionist, OCD, Mind control: group pm training learnt new skills, education, deep dive understanding regarding vulnerabilities, criticism etc. Behaviour and habits caused by skewed coping strategies. Perfectionism creates unhappiness, criticism and misery with excessive goals, no rewards and dopamine neurotransmitter restrictions. Locked into reward and award, frustration and intolerance. Affecting life 24/7, in career, personal relationships perfectionism a barrier to peace, happiness. Outcomes profound as attendees received epic turnaround from training and attendance.
See videos, testimonials on website:
There Is no accounting for how the mind works. Evening programmes followed with Conscious Communication: Liberation of Karma and Magic of energetics the evening personal and professional development cutting edge transitional programmes were a massive hit with students, brining mammoth changes in astonishing ways in their lives. Check out website or contact to find out 2025 dates.
Joy and Allonus team attended 3-day IPM conference in June
Integrated Personal Medicine (IPM) at QEII Centre London.
Integrated medicine is the way forward for health, wellbeing recovery. Joy practiced integrated medicine for decades, her expertise teaches integrated medicine advancement in professional training and events.
Integrated approach has been taught in D.A.R.E Therapy since its launch in 2010. Way ahead of the pack in perception and application. Allonus 'New Era' Integrated Body-Mind D.A.R.E Therapy was well received with exceptional holistic and professional new approaches.
Professionals are realising they need to look beyond the ‘outcomes’ and check out the cause, including historical influences, system parameters and ongoing consequences, not just the symptoms. A pleasure to meet and interact with so many interesting professionals looking for new faster approaches in health and development. D.A.R.E and Joy Wisdom Trust gave them plenty to think about, with out-of-the-box cutting-edge health management, core solutions to hidden factors underlying health disorders.
Joy Wisdom founder of D.A.R.E Therapy includes cutting edge integrated medicine with deep dive into historical and intergenerational methods to enhance and speed up wellbeing recovery.
The support received through D.A.R.E training for clients and practitioners is game changing, a listening ear, kindness at the forefront of 1-2-1 bespoke clinical sessions.
D.A.R.E students have enjoyed monthly get togethers, Practitioner accelerator training, enhancing 'Wisdom' methods, gaining confidence, supporting each other with enhanced support programmes for all students. Exceptional outcomes extraordinary results.
D.A.R.E-Foundation Practitioners Training starts January 2025
Joy and Katie attended November BMS NEC Birmingham
We celebrated and shared the extraordinary Power-of-3 and ZEST of Life programmes. Joy gave talks on Sensory perception and Etheric Impacts, how influences are involved in mental health.
As an expert on Ultimate Spiritual makeover programmes explaining bigger picture of what we can tap into with the right internal switch on. Surprise and delight from attendees to learn we have 3-HeART Chakras to connect, develop and live from was sooo exciting.
Next Power of 3 training starts : 1-2nd February 2025.
Ultimate Spiritual makeover continues with exceptional opportunities for you.
Allonus Light Healing and Power of 3 does not stand still... ever expanding and in November the launch of 'Genisis' magnificent LiGHT Healing 'NEW Beginning' residential programme open to Power-of-3 accomplished members.
5-days of exquisite life enhancing transformations were literally out of this world. As ever Allonus and Joy Wisdom Training does not stand still expanding and bringing new opportunities as consciousness grows towards 2025.
We end the year events with Winter Solstice Gathering 20-12-2024
Aligning and educating all who attend about the many upshifts of 2024. Engage, being ready for new frequencies to come in 2025 … another transformational year of high frequencies and cultural, corporate revaluation.
We live in transformational times… how ready are you?
We only know what we know until we know differently.
Joy Wisdom training helps you to prepare you, giving you methods, skills education, personal and professional growth, out of the box development. Shining light of Aquarian Age.
Move with the times with Joy Wisdom personal and professional growth training.
It comes in all shapes and sizes, especially Mind-Body-Emotion, Allonus and Allonus LiGHT Healing programmes and events covers all you need to advance in evolution in a fast and positive way.
Check out our numerous programmes, events, workshops, talks, webinars, videos and seminars to find out more. Articles, downloads and books.
Contact for more information
A merry Xmas and a peaceful 2025
Joy Wisdom