Christmas message

I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas. Enjoy the new energies of 2023.
Joy Wisdom and Allonus Team.

2022 has flown by. A year of changes and transitions for all of us. 

A year of magnificent advances for Allonus.

An extraordinary busy and productive year. I launched Joy Wisdom Trust in March. A not for profit organisation with programmes of education, therapy, supporting and empowering women and couples for maternity, miscarriage, menopause, PND/PTSD, mental – emotional health, and Abuse. Subjects that are close to my heart, been passionate about for decades. Women have been left wanting in productive support. JWT provides a platform to bring more awareness that women’s health affects their children lives too! Time we had change with bigger awareness on the poor support for women’s health issues. A goal of completion to the wholeness of objectives and approaches I started out to do in 2006. 

ZEST of Life Power of 3 personal growth and healing programme keeps giving and has pioneered new levels of acceptance of self. Realigning consciousness with spotlight on living emotional detachment and emotional integratory.  A boon for everyone. From the horse and cart to the Ferrari the embellishment of inner conscious management has surprised all who join…. Universal spiritual education brings upgrades, clarity in understanding.. who we are… who we can be, how we tick, living workshop transformation 24/7. The wonders of the HeART continue to embellish bringing back to wholeness, spiritual ONEness. Until we are connected and aligned we are off line to spirit. Reality is every day without this connection is a day without support. 

Further herd immunity to Covid and the different strains evolved. 

D.A.R.E therapy training upped a gear for pandemic issues.  We are all different and unique in our make-up and I have been spotlighting this for over a decade. We can’t take our immunity and health for granted. Pandemic has shown that people do live on the edge and internal states remain under par. It has been my privilege to assist clients out to the other side without covid issues.  Supported students and practitioners with upshifted knowledge and D.A.R.E training for pandemic themes. Additionally brought a bigger picture to assist practitioners and individuals. I organised a series of monthly digital seminars on health themes, immune system webinars to help everyone. Diet is not enough in these situations.

Over the last three years, we have had much to adjust to tipping the balance. As with all pandemics it hits economic stability. Although logic tells us it will follow, the reality is still a shock. The Elizabethan reign ended unexpectedly the Queens departure affected globally as her long reign brought instability, sadness rippled through the world. A Queen most of us had known all of our lives. Her grandmother kindness rippled to everyone.  End of an era. Adding to global transitions. 

We have to bend and weave to the times and Allonus ‘ZEST of Life’ has gained ground with professional online digital education and 1-2-1 mentoring. Specialist personal growth programmes dovetailing on a spiritual and humanitarian agenda. There is something for everyone as our insightful, pioneering programmes lead to enlightened states for a better life and improved health.  I thank all who have partaken of our programmes and know we have made a difference in your life whether it is a workshop or 1-2-1 option.  And our pleasure and privilege to guide and show you new ways of living, eradicating suffering in the process. 

The fact is we don’t know what we need until it is received. We don’t know what we know until we know differently. Take the leap of faith in 2023 and ditch the suffering and pain, enjoy life as it should be.. with emotional detachment and emotional integratory. What a difference it can make to everyone. 

I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas. Enjoy the upshifted energies of 2023

Christmas blessings  Joy Wisdom and Allonus Team.

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