Be Inspired
Fear is a powerful emotion and often creates irrational reactions of behaviour.
Fear is from lack: Fear is used to suppress; Fear is used to bully and abuse; Fear is living life on survival. Fear is something we will experience in small increments and large dollops in life depending our individual situation, all experiences will create in our Quantum field for us to relive and continue the status quo and ground hog day living. In some cases entrapping and rippling out to bring more unwanted experiences and emotions into our lives.
All the above can come from different experiences of life but also from the womb and foetal formation determining our lives resulting in irrational behaviour and emotions without knowing. Creating stress, anxiety, depression, influences affecting us daily including the choices we make, affecting our interactions and social behaviour with others.
As a base line FEAR = lack of LOVE and nurturing
Holding fear will determine what we receive and give to others i.e. Nurturing and love accepted or rejected. Fear keeps us entrapped and disconnected from our heart and receiving LOVE. Love is a deep need that is in all of us, if we don’t merge with LOVE we feel as though something is missing in our lives, we shut down and become numb from others feelings.
Fear keeps us from feeling and the treadmill of survival mode: Numbs us out of happiness and joy. The emotion ‘Fear’ will affect us emotionally and psychologically imposing health restrictions and health decline.
Fear creates internal peptide and chemical responses that affects our health and emotions. Fear causes adrenal onslaught from emotions, overwhelming feelings that will eventually cause mental burn out.
Some believe that fear is normal. Fear is not a normal state to live.
Some believe that we cannot live life without fear…. Indeed NOT normal thinking.
Individuals who live harsh lives are full of fear, LACK and live survival, existing instead of living and enjoying the Joy’s of life. Leading to chronic illness and mental illness such as depression.
Recently scans were put on the internet (pictures showing emotions) the different emotions were for instance anger was shown as fire i.e.: upper body and head response, yellow, orange, red, burning up - responding to burn out in the physical. Other emotions showed cut off areas of extremities, hands, feet, limbs, emotion as feelings turned to ice. These particular areas were blue, dark, dark blue. Some of the pictures were mostly blue and ice. An interesting vision on emotions. The pictures were taken after people watched films, videos and reading books. From my point of view this is showing what I have been talking about for over ten years.
Fear is a passionate emotion that is detrimental to us especially when we are consumed by this daily. Adrenal response will cause digestive issues, kidney decline, internal stress and body system malfunction. Fear can be at the root of chronic disease.
- Fear comes from shock
- Fear comes from birth and unexpected
- Fear comes from lack of bonding
- We can absorb fear from others around us, as well as parents.
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