Collection: Dissolve and Resolve Emotions - DARE

We need new approaches to mental and emotional epidemic society lives today. Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) brings amazing solutions and advancements to mental, emotional and physical health disorders. Launched in 2010, Joy Wisdom’s long quest to help others after living with family members who suffered greatly from mental health and lack of positive options. Joy has championed faster and easier solutions to mental health through Allonus Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) Intuitive Practitioners ‘Heart centred’ professional therapy training, Transformational 1-2-1 D.A.R.E therapy sessions. D.A.R.E is a Body-Mind Therapy. By dealing with adverse trauma, shock, we can avoid forming disorders and pain. When living in stress, PTSD, PND, depression and anxiety, hormonally we secrete stress hormones. Causing inflammation internally forming acute and chronic health disorders, such as Diabetes, Stroke, Heart disorders, Allergies, Cancer.  By getting to the core issues, we bypass the surges and calm inner responses. Reducing disorders, relaxing and healing at the same time.

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